Gregory Collins wrote:
wren ng thornton <> writes:

So I'm getting some weird linking errors from cabal-install when doing `cabal
configure && cabal build`

ld warning: atom sorting error for
_postazm0zi2zi0_DataziMonoidziOrdziArgmax_Max_closure_tbl and
_postazm0zi2zi0_DataziMonoidziOrdziArgmax_Min_closure_tbl in

ld warning: atom sorting error for
_postazm0zi2zi0_DataziMonoidziOrdziArgmax_Max_closure_tbl and
_postazm0zi2zi0_DataziMonoidziOrdziArgmax_Min_closure_tbl in

But cabal doesn't quit with an error code or anything. Doing `ghc --make
Data/Monoid/Ord/Argmax.hs` works just fine without warnings. Anyone know what
could cause them, or how to fix it?

If this is on OSX, my understanding is that these messages are harmless.

Apparently this has been fixed for 6.12, if you have a later version and
it's still happening it's a regression and you should re-open the

It's OSX 10.5.8 and GHC 6.12.1 as packaged in haskell-platform-2010.1.0.1-i386.dmg

It looks like that bug might only be fixed in 6.12.2? I dunno, Trac really needs some way of telling which non-HEAD version finally includes the fixes that close a ticket. I can never figure that out from reading the ticket...

Live well,
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