On Jul 31, 2010, at 6:07 AM, Rustom Mody wrote:

> Do most people who work with haskell use emacs/vi/eclipse or something
> else??

I work on Mac OS X.

On one machine I have Haskell Platform installed. On the other I have ghc, 
cabal-install, and various packages installed by hand.

To edit, I use SubEthaEdit with a Haskell mode for editing. 

To run, I use various command line (via standard OS X Terminal) tools. I use 
ghci for poking around, and debugging in the small. For most of my projects, 
even small ones, I create .cabal files and unit test/quick check suites, then 
use cabal to build and test.

        - Mark

SubEthaEdit: http://www.codingmonkeys.de/subethaedit/
Hasekll mode for it: 

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