Please take a look at this video

Here Monad's are explained as "something" that helps making your program
modular. The teacher gives an example implementation of an expression
evaluator with and without monads. It takes a complete rewrite to
incorporate changes in the program without monads where as only minor tweaks
are required for the implementation with monads - also, its easier to
identify the location where change needs to be done and the change is

And the flow is pretty nice - as in, people will not doze off :)


On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 10:04 PM, Colin Paul Adams

> >>>>> "Alexander" == Alexander Solla <a...@2piix.com> writes:
>    Alexander> On Aug 3, 2010, at 2:51 PM, aditya siram wrote:
> > I am looking for suggestions on how to introduce the concept and its
>    >> implications. I'd also like to include a section on why monads
>    >> exist and why we don't really see them outside of Haskell.
>     Alexander> Start with functors (things that attach
>    Alexander> values/functions/functors to values in an algebra).  Move
>    Alexander> on to applicative functors (functors that can interpret
>    Alexander> the thing that is getting things attached to it).  Move
>    Alexander> on to monads
> Too late! The audience has already dozed off.
>    Alexander> (applicative functors where you can
>    Alexander> explicitly control the order of
>    Alexander> evaluation/interpretation).
> --
> Colin Adams
> Preston Lancashire
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