On 10/08/10 00:29, Pieter Laeremans wrote:

I'm trying some haskell scripting. I'm writing a script to print some information from a zip archive. The zip-archive library does look nice but the performance of zip-archive/lazy bytestring
doesn't seem to scale.

Executing :

   eRelativePath $ head $ zEntries archive

on an archive of around 12 MB with around 20 files yields

Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes.

The script in question can be found at :


I'm using the latest version of haskell platform. Are these libaries not production ready,
or am I doing something terribly wrong ?

I downloaded your program and compiled it (GHC 6.12.1, zip-archive, bytestring I ran it on the JVM src.zip (20MB, ~8000 files) and it sat there for a minute (67s), taking 2.2% memory according to top, then completed successfully. Same behaviour with -O2. Which compares very badly in time to the instant return when I ran unzip -l on the same file, but I didn't see any memory problems. Presumably your archive is valid and works with unzip and other tools?



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