On 22/08/10 17:56, Yves Parès wrote:
> I looked at both, and I have encoding issues with both.
> My locale is fr_FR.utf8
> For instance, with HSH:
> I have a 'bar' directory, containing a file 'fooé'
> run $ "find bar" :: IO [String]
> returns me : ["bar", "bar/foo*\233*"]
> and run $ "find bar -name fooé"
> returns []
> When I provoke an error by running:
> run $ "find fooé"
> it says :
> find: "foo*\351*": No file or directory
> So it is not the same encoding!

Yes, that's no good.  I should put in a caveat, I have only used HSH in
"privileged" locales.  I urge you to raise it with the maintainer of HSH
it's a serious shortcoming.


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