On Thursday 02 September 2010 19:34:07, Don Stewart wrote:
> andrewcoppin:
> > Arnaud Bailly wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >> I installed (succesfully) HAskell Platform 2010.2 on windows and have
> >> a small but annoying issue: Some links in HTML documentation lead to
> >> broken links. I did not investigate all the links, but I have seen
> >> that all doc under Control.Monad.XXX is missing. What am I doing
> >> wrong ?
> >
> > Almost every release of GHC that I can remember has had the links for
> > the "mtl" package broken. (The Control.Monad.XXX modules are mostly
> > from mtl. But, for example, Control.Monad.Fix is from base. I bet
> > you'll find it works just fine.)
> Well spotted, Andrew!
> The way to get things like this fixed is to report a bug to the relevant
> project. Click on the 'bug report' button:
>     http://trac.haskell.org/haskell-platform/
> You installed the Haskell Platform on Windows, so please mention this in
> the bug ticket. The problem will likely be in the Windows installer
> script, and what docs were bundled with that specific installer.

Probably not. I'm on Linux and build my GHCs from source. There's no 
directory mtl- in ~/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries although it's 
linked to from the package index built with the compiler. (Hadn't noticed 
before because I use the index in ~/.cabal).
Seems to be a slip-up in the makefiles.

> Be as detailed in the report as you can, to make sure we can reproduce
> what trouble you have.
> In the meantime, you can always read the 'mtl' documentation on its
> package page:
>     http://hackage.haskell.org/package/mtl
> -- Don

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