Just wanted to let everybody know that there is an AI contest [1] that started today. Everybody has about two months to create bots that compete against each other 1-on-1 in a game based on Galcon [2].

A couple issues to mention for full disclosure: There is some sponsorship by Google, but unfortunately they aren't running the hardware, so the site is getting pretty hammered right now. We (it's all open source and open for contributions) are working to get it optimized to better handle the load. Also, the version of GHC on the server is very old (6.8.2) and isn't likely to get updated. I'm working to allow binary submissions though. If that goes through, you guys will be able to submit 64-bit Linux binaries rather than Haskell code to be compiled on the server.

Just letting everybody know so the Haskell community can represent!

- Jake

[1] http://ai-contest.com
[2] http://galcon.com
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