To recover from my overly complex previous post, here is a much simply
goto based on existing monad transformers:

goto :: Monad m =>  ContT r m r ->  ContT r m a
goto (ContT m) = ContT $ \_ ->
                m return

That doesn't actually work, though.  Try running the following script:

import Data.List

import MonadLib

goto :: Monad m => ContT r m r -> ContT r m a
goto (ContT m) = ContT $ \_ -> m return

myComp :: ContT () IO ()
myComp = do
    input <- inBase $ putStrLn "Print something (y/n)?" >> getLine
    unless ("y" `isPrefixOf` input) $ goto exit
    inBase $ putStrLn "Something."

    input <- inBase $ putStrLn "Print more (y/n)?" >> getLine
    unless ("y" `isPrefixOf` input) $ goto exit
    inBase $ putStrLn "More."

      exit = do
        inBase $ putStrLn "Ok, I'm exiting."
        return ()

main :: IO ()
main = runContT return myComp

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