On 02.10.2010, at 20:35, Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Sat, 2 Oct 2010, Colin Paul Adams wrote:

  Prelude> (if then "Haskell" else "Cafe") False
  Max> "Cafe"

My reaction is to ask:

Can you write this as:

(if then else) False  "Haskell"  "Cafe"



ifThenElse :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
ifThenElse True  x _ = x
ifThenElse False _ y = y

Prelude> ifThenElse False "Haskell" "Cafe"

You can use a similar approach for case expressions ; )

import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import Control.Exception ( catch, evaluate, PatternMatchFail )

caseOf :: a -> [a -> b] -> b
caseOf x = unsafePerformIO . firstMatch . map ($x)

firstMatch :: [a] -> IO a
firstMatch (x:xs) = catch (evaluate x) (handlePatternFail (firstMatch xs))

handlePatternFail :: a -> PatternMatchFail -> a
handlePatternFail x _ = x

test = (flip caseOf [\1 -> "One", \_ -> "Not-one"]) 1

Well, to tell the truth this does not work correctly as the following example shows.

test2 = (flip caseOf [\1 -> ((\2 -> "One") 3), \_ -> "Not-one"]) 1
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