On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 10:20, Dmitry V'yal <akam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> recently I've cabalized my program and it brought some problems.
> First of all, I made use of 'import Paths_<package name>' functionality to
> get the path of installed data files. It works great, but now I can no
> longer run my program in ghci because this module is auto-generated by
> cabal. I tried to supply my own. This way ghci works, but my stub module
> gets compiled into the binary in place of auto-generated. And things break
> again. What's the best way to overcome it?

Create a file called .ghci in the directory where you run ghci and
make it contains something like this:

:set -idist/build/autogen

> And another question. I'd like to make my program output it's version
> string. Of course, I can hardcode it into sources, but I've already
> specified one in the cabal file. Is there any way to get it back in the run
> time?

It's in Paths_<package name> as the variable 'version'.


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