Jason Dagit wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 4:41 PM, Ben Franksen
> <ben.frank...@online.de>wrote:
>> Seriously, the server is a debian etch (!) system. Also called "debian
>> old-stable". Of course I have long since installed newer version of
>> darcs, but since I am not root there I cannot put it into /usr/local, so
>> I cannot completely rule out the possibility that other users still use
>> the ancient /usr/bin/darcs and will now have problems when they darcs
>> get.
> Isn't debian etch a security liability at this point?

Certainly. But the admin (there is just one for a all our machines) can only
do so much at a time...

>> I do _not_ expect that this will lead to any serious trouble, as the
>> latest stable darcs is just a small addition to the PATH away. Still,
>> users should be warned that darcs-2.x is required.
> Yes, sorry about that.  At the time I was having some trouble
> finding authoritative info on it so I went with my memory, which was
> wrong.

No problem. I thought you were still an active darcs developer, so I assumed
you must know ;-)

> As for your path, I'm reasonably confident that if you put your local
> darcs
> at the front of your path then you're good to go.  I know that works for
> local push, what I'm wondering about is push over ssh.

Works only if the remote user be default uses darcs-2, too.

>  It seems easy for
> you to test in this case.  I know darcs finds the right executable by
> looking in PATH for 'darcs'.  What I can't know is whether the server
> you're
> using lets you set PATH over ssh invocations that are non-interactive. 
> It's entirely possible that has been disallowed by the sysadmins.

Yes, but it is no problem, since we abandoned a special user for the repos a
while ago and now share stuff using group memebership. This works really
well if each user has her own group by default, because then you can set
umask to 002 and share directories by giving them to the shared group and
setting the S-bit (so that all files and subdirectories created there
inherit the group).

Oops. How did we drift this far off-topic?


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