2010/10/13 Henning Thielemann <schlepp...@henning-thielemann.de>:
> David Virebayre schrieb:
>> 2010/10/12 Gregory Crosswhite <gcr...@phys.washington.edu>:
>>> Also, I don't see why one would prefer >>> over the standard function
>>> composition operator, ".".
>> With "."  you have to read right-to-left to follow data's path.
>> For me that reading order isn't natural, and I imagine it is so for
>> most people which don't have a mathematical background.

> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Direction_of_data_flow

Very informative link, thanks. Fortunately the time when I was
struggling with all that is gone; Even though right-to-left still
isn't "natural" to me, I've now written enough haskell so that isn't a
problem anymore. I don't even try to use >>> redefine a left-to-right
composition operator in my programs, I'm converted !

My previous post was just me remembering my (past) problems with "."
to answer Gregory's question.

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