Since you are proposing creating an abstract type TExp that can't be created manually in contrast to Exp, I have a question that might simply be a reflection of ignorance on my part on how TH works now.

As far as I can tell by looking through the documentation, when I want to create an identifier with a computed name I have to build up the AST manually rather than by using quoters since there is no way to splice an identifier name into a quoter. Does this mean that it will not be possible to construct a TExp with a computed identifier name, since one can only use the quoter syntax and not manual construction?


On 10/18/10 3:02 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:


Following lots of feedback from users, especially at ICFP, I've evolved some proposals for Template Haskell, that should make it both more expressive, and more secure.

Do let me know what you think. Discussion by email is fine (cc me if it's on Haskell-cafe), or comments direct on the Trac.

(None of this will be in GHC 7.0; it's a proposed plan for post-release improvements.)



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