On 10/23/10 2:33 PM, Brandon S Allbery KF8NH wrote:
I think they mean "please don't conflate `reentrant' with `blocking' in the

Not knowing much about the guts of GHC's implementation of the FFI, I wonder if there would actually be an implementational difference in distinguishing blocking calls vs calls with (potentially) callbacks, or if it's just a terminology problem.

Also, we should be distinguishing between C functions which are non-reentrant ---and so we'd want to block all other GHC threads from calling it before the first invocation returns[1]---, vs when the GHC runtime doesn't get itself into a reenterable state before invoking foreign calls.

[1] Presumably this should be considered a library problem (e.g., use locks) rather than an FFI problem per se.

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