lexer works fine, problem is in happy parser.

2010/10/26 Stephen Tetley <stephen.tet...@gmail.com>

> Hello
> I would change you Alex specification to this:
> $digit = 0-9                    -- digits
> $alpha = [a-zA-Z]               -- alphabetic characters
> $eol = [\r\n]
> $any = [^$eol]
> tokens :-
>  $eol               { tok $ \_ -> Eol }
>  $any+              { tok $ \s -> Str s }
> The complementation operator (^) works of character sets so I don't
> expect your original formulation to work:
> $any = [^\r\n]
> (maybe it should, but I never liked the Alex syntax...)
> You can test alex scanners like this:
> demo01 = alexScanTokens "happy?\n"
> demo02 = readFile "sample" >>= print . alexScanTokens
> Note - your sample file is using extended characters so it fails for
> me with Alex 2.3.2. I'm now sure how capable the current version of
> Alex is or whether better Unicode support can be enabled with flags.
> Regards
> Stephen
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