On 27/10/2010, at 12:55 PM, Alexander Solla wrote:

> Difference equations show up in Knuth's "Concrete Mathematics", his tome on 
> discrete mathematics.  The theory of difference equations is the discrete 
> analogue to the theory of differential equations.  Surprisingly, the 
> continuous/differential case is more general, since integral solutions can be 
> modeled by constant functions.

Graham, Knuth, and Patashnik is one of those books that when they come out are
clearly destined to become classics.  My copy of the first edition wore out to
the point where I was delighted to be able to justify getting a copy of the
second.  Much of it is, however, well outside the scope of the "discrete 
that one would expect to get in a good undergraduate CS course.  The stuff on
probabilities and generating functions, for example, would be more commonly met 
in Statistics, likely 2nd year.

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