On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 22:44:04 +0200, Stephen Tetley <stephen.tet...@gmail.com> wrote:
P.S. I encourage people to use the online forums: Haskell Reddit and Stack
Overflow, as a lot of the question-answering activity has shifted there
now, away from -cafe@

Err, Why?

Having to track three places for information rather than one doesn't
seem like a good swap to me...

Same here - I find mailing lists a lot easier to follow than both the Haskell Reddit and especially StackOverflow. I'm already following Haskell Reddit, but I never found StackOverflow to be very nice :-\

Also, I think that the haskell-beginners mailing list is great, I would be pained to see it abandoned in favor of StackOverflow.

Just my 2ยข.
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