On 11/12/10 04:37, Andy Stewart wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have write Simple Manual at http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Manatee
> Enjoy! :)


I'm trying to follow installation steps on OpenSolaris 2009.06, but glib
installation fails with:

$ cabal install --user glib
Resolving dependencies...
Downloading glib-0.12.0...

     warning: #warning Setup.hs is guessing the version of Cabal. If
compilation of Setup.hs fails use -DCABAL_VERSION_MINOR=x for Cabal
version 1.x.0 when building (prefixed by --ghc-option= when using the
'cabal' command)
[1 of 2] Compiling Gtk2HsSetup      (
/tmp/glib-0.12.015451/glib-0.12.0/dist/setup/Gtk2HsSetup.o )

    does not export
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
glib-0.12.0 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

My cabal is:

$ cabal --version
cabal-install version 0.8.2
using version of the Cabal library

And ghc is:

$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 6.10.4

Do you have any idea what to do with this failure? i.e. is my cabal old
or is it something different...

PS: Manatee screenshots are amazing and your code lines list even more!

>   -- Andy
> Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hi all,
>> I am proud to announce the release my gtk2hs project : Manatee - The 
>> Haskell/Gtk+ Integrated Live
>> Environment
>> http://hackage.haskell.org/package/manatee
>> Screenshots at : http:goo.gl/MkVw
>> Code at https://patch-tag.com/r/AndyStewart/ beginning with manatee-*
>> Manatee is Haskell integrated environment written in Haskell.
>> The goal of the Manatee project is to provide a fast, safe and flexible
>> integrated environment for haskell hacking.
>> You can consider it is new environment mix Gnome and Emacs. 
>> Like Gnome to provide friendly graphics interface and work efficient like 
>> Emacs.
>> Manatee use multi-processes framework, any sub-module running in separate 
>> process to protected core
>> won't crash. So it
>> minimize your losses when some unexpected exception throw in extension.
>> Now i have implement below sub-modules in Manatee:
>>     Editor
>>     Webkit Browser
>>     File Manager
>>     Image Viewer
>>     IRC Client
>>     Multimedia Player
>>     PDF Viewer
>>     Process Manager
>>     RSS/Atom reader  
>> >From some friends feedback, manatee can't work in XMonad, i will fix it 
>> >soon. 
>> You can play it in Gnome. Enjoy! :)
>> Below are steps to build Manatee:
>> 1) Install C library: In Debian use below command:
>>  sudo aptitude install libgtksourceview2.0-dev libgconf2-dev libwebkit-dev 
>> libcurl4-openssl-dev
>> libgtkimageview-dev libpoppler-glib-dev poppler-data libtagc0-dev -y
>> 2) Install Gtk2hs:
>>  cabal install gtk2hs-buildtools gtk
>> And make sure HOME.cabalbin/ in your PATH.
>> 3) Install Manatee:
>>  cabal install manatee-core manatee-anything manatee-browser manatee-editor 
>> manatee-filemanager
>> manatee-imageviewer manatee-ircclient manatee-mplayer manatee-pdfviewer 
>> manatee-processmanager
>> manatee-reader manatee
>> That's all, then type command manatee to play it! :)
>> "manatee-core" "manatee-anything" "manatee" are core packages, must be
>> install, other extension package you can choose you want.
>> Example, if you not install manatee-imageviewer, when you open Image
>> file, manatee will call default image-viewer in your system instead.
>> Manatee will show you "search interface" when you startup it.
>> You can type some filepath or url to open it, 
>> example, you can type Haskell file to open in editor, 
>> and type url to open in browser.
>> Below are quick play keys:
>>     "F2"     ==> startProcessManager
>>     "F3"     ==> startFeedReader
>>     "F4"     ==> startFileManager
>>     "F5"     ==> startBrowser
>>     "F6"     ==> loginIrcDefaultChannel
>>     "F7"     ==> startIrc
>> Manatee project still in early develop stage, just core framework
>> finish, many details still not perfect.
>> But i think it's good start to build Real-World application in Haskell.
>> Below are high task in my TODO list:
>>     Perfect current sub-module: 
>>       IDE features, code completion
>>       browser JavaScript framework
>>       graphics custom system
>>       etc.
>>     Terminal emulator: 
>>       support MVC design, not like VTE widget
>>     Mail-client
>>     BT-Client
>>     Proxy bridge: 
>>       to build uniform proxy interface to fighting GFW!!!
>>     Jabbar client:
>>       video support etc.
>>     Spell checker
>>     CHM viewer
>>     DVI viewer
>>     LaTex editor
>>     PS viewer
>>     Multi-thread download manager
>>     Org-Mode : http://orgmode.org/
>>     Twitter client
>>     Network toolkit:
>>       sniffer etc.
>>     Multi-Language translater 
>>       offline support
>>     Too many ideas lying in my TODO list....
>> Any suggestion and contribution are welcome! :)
>>   -- Andy
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