On 12 Nov 2010, at 20:21, Andrew Coppin wrote:

On 11/11/2010 08:43 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:
If length, map, and so on had always been part of a Sequence
typeclass, people would not now be talking about

It's always puzzled me that Haskell's standard containers almost completely lack any way to use them polymorphically.

On the contrary, there is the Edison package of containers and algorithms, since at least the late 90's, which has type classes for all of the common operations. It is high quality, and kind-of the "ideal standard" in an academic sort of way, except that almost nobody uses it. In particular, ghc did not use it internally, choosing Data.Map instead, and the legendary suspicion of programmers who refuse to use a alternative library replacing one that already comes with their compiler, means that nobody else did either. Either that, or people find it awkward to deal with the substantial extra hierarchies of type classes.

Edison-API and Edison-core are available on hackage by the way.

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