> On Dec 1, 2010, at 8:38 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:
> > If you're doing user installations of packages with 'cabal-install' it
> > will take care of everything - all of the things that it installs are
> > in per-GHC-version directories.
> ...
> > Except for the haddock documentation that cabal-install installs -
> > different versions of GHC/haddock are pretty much always breaking each
> > other when I switch back and forth.
> This is because cabal's default layout *doesn't* install everything in 
> per-GHC-version directories. The layout is:
> <prefix>          -- /usr/local if --global, ~/.cabal if --user
>   bin             -- binaries ($bindir)
>   lib             -- ($libdir)
>     <pkgid>
>       <compiler>  -- libraries & .hi files ($libdir/$libsubdir, $dynlibdir)
>         include   -- include files ($includedir)
>   libexec         -- private binaries ($libexecdir)
>   share           -- ($datadir)
>     <pkgid>       -- data files ($datadir/$datasubdir)    
>     doc
>       <pkgid>     -- documentation ($docdir)
>         html      -- html doc ($htmldir, $haddockdir)
>     man           -- man pages ($mandir)
> Notice that only libraries, .hi files and includes are uner a per-compiler 
> directory. All the other things aren't, and as you notice they clobber each 
> other.
> I propose that the default in Cabal be changed to:
> <prefix>          -- /usr/local/haskell if --global, ~/.cabal if --user,
>   <compiler>
>     <pkgid>
>       bin         -- binaries ($bindir)
>       lib         -- libraries & .hi files ($libdir, $libdir/$libsubdir, 
> $dynlibdir)
>         include   -- include files ($includedir)
>       libexec     -- private binaries ($libexecdir)
>       share       -- data files ($datadir, $datadir/$datasubdir)    
>       doc         -- documentation ($docdir)
>         html      -- html doc ($htmldir, $haddockdir)
>         man       -- man pages ($mandir)
>     bin           -- symlinks to binaries
>     doc
>       html        -- master index of html doc
>       man         -- symlinks to man pages
>   current         -- symlink to current <compiler>
>   bin             -- symlink to current/bin      
>   doc             -- symlink to current/doc
> This would put everything under a per-compiler top level dir, which is how 
> most other language systems install (for example perl and python both do it 
> this way) This would also allow very easy removal of an old compiler and 
> everything that was installed for it. Removing packages is also easier: you 
> just one <pkgid> dir per <compiler> to find and get rid of -- and you can do 
> it with a wildcard!

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