Sequence isn't necessarily strict.  Sequence, rather necessarily,
depends on the semantics of (>>=) in that monad.

Prelude Control.Monad.Identity> runIdentity $ take 10 `liftM` sequence
(map return $ repeat 5)

What matters is if (>>=) is strict in its first argument.  The
Identity Monad provided by mtl and transformers is not strict in the
first argument of (>>=).  Hence sequence isn't strict in that Identity

Compare to IO, where (>>=) is strict in its first argument:

Prelude Control.Monad.Identity> take 10 `liftM` sequence (map return $
repeat 5) :: IO [Int]

After a while, I got bored and interrupted it.

Anyway.  There's no documentation on the (non-)strictness of sequence,
because it isn't actually defined.  It depends on the choice of m.

Carl Howells

On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Daniel Fischer
<> wrote:
> On Sunday 19 December 2010 22:18:59, Jacek Generowicz wrote:
>> >
>> > The reason this doesn't stop where you expect it to is that sequence
>> > is
>> > effectively strict
>> That would explain it. Thank you.
>> Where is this fact documented? I mostly rely on Hoogle, which gets me to
>> :sequence
>> which says nothing about strictness.
>> How could I have known this without having to bother anyone else?
> Well, you can deduce it from sequence's type. That's of course not
> something you immediately see, but in hindsight, it's pretty easy to
> understand.
> sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
> So, basically all sequence can do is use (>>=) and return.
> Reasonably,
> sequence [] = return []
> is the only thing that's possible. For nonempty lists,
> sequence (x:xs) = ?
> Well, what can sequence do? It has to do something with x and something
> with xs, the only reasonable thing is to call sequence on the tail and run
> x, combining x's result and the result of sequence xs.
> One can choose the order, but
> sequence (x:xs) = do
>   a <- x
>   as <- sequence xs
>   return (a:as)
> is the most sensible thing.
> Now, that means before sequence can deliver anything, it has to run all
> actions (because if any action fails, sequence fails and that can't be
> known before all actions have been run).
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