Hi Henning,

> I also think that Template Haskell is used too much. Several
> things that are done in existing libraries could be done in plain
> Haskell in a better way.

Can you give any examples of this? I'm not saying it's not true, I'm just
curious as to why you would venture into the realm of TH without a reason.


On 27 December 2010 08:44, Henning Thielemann <lemm...@henning-thielemann.de
> wrote:

> On Mon, 27 Dec 2010, Jonathan Geddes wrote:
>  #1 Parse a string at compile-time so that a custom syntax for
>> representing data can be used. At the extreme, this "data" might even
>> be an EDSL.
> I think it would be enough, if the compiler could be told to unfold an
> expression like
>  parse "text in a domain specific language"
>  at compile time.
>  #2 Provide instances automatically.
> http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/7.0-latest/html/users_guide/generic-classes.html
> I also think that Template Haskell is used too much. Several things that
> are done in existing libraries could be done in plain Haskell in a better
> way. For the cases where Template Haskell is really needed, I'd prefer a
> solution that allows to generate the code before compilation, such that
> packages with automatically generated code can be run also on compilers that
> do not support Template Haskell.
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