This was brought up on reddit[1]. Anyone who is interested in the
differences should feel free to look there.



On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 9:24 PM, Erik Hesselink <> wrote:
> There is also the hackage 2.0 code [1]. This can be easily
> cabal-installed, and added as an extra remote-repo to your
> .cabal/config file. We've set this up at typLAB [2], and it's working
> great. Cabal upload doesn't support multiple remote repo's, but we've
> created a small deployment utility to quickly deploy to our own
> hackage. By careful version number management, you can also create
> local forks of hackage packages.
> Erik
> [1]
> [2]
> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 17:53, David Leimbach <> wrote:
>> This is very interesting.  I was thinking if this could work like an
>> overlayed "namespace" on top of Hackage, rather than a complete override,
>> that it would be a very interesting way to "fork" Hackage so it does what
>> you want, transparently, and as a proxy.  Is that actually how it works
>> though?  (It might be that I've not had my coffee yet, but I'm a little
>> fuzzy on that point).
>> While the Haskell-platform is a great stabilizing technology for the Haskell
>> community and gives a nice warm fuzzy feeling to those who want to try it in
>> commercial settings, it's not always true that it provides enough
>> functionality for everyone's needs, and being able to somewhat modify what's
>> available on Hackage could be very valuable.
>> Dave
>> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Michael Snoyman <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I was speaking with my coworker Yitz[1] about a project he's working
>>> on. Basically, he's going to end up with about 16 cabal packages that
>>> are not going to be deployed to Hackage, and wanted us to set up a
>>> Hackage server for our company to deploy these kinds of things.
>>> However, getting all the pieces of Hackage aligned properly for such a
>>> simple use case seemed a bit overkill.
>>> I then realized that I had the exact same problem during Yesod
>>> development: before I make a major release, I usually end up with
>>> about 10-15 packages that are not yet live on Hackage. It gets to be a
>>> real pain when suddenly wai-extra is depending on network 2.3 and
>>> authenticate requires network 2.2, and suddenly I need to manually
>>> recompile 10 packages.
>>> So I decided to write up a simple web service to act as a local
>>> Hackage server. It has no security (anyone with access can upload a
>>> package), doesn't build haddocks, doesn't show package descriptions,
>>> etc. All it does is:
>>> Show a list of uploaded packages/versions
>>> Links to the tarballs
>>> Allows you to upload new versions, which will automatically overwrite
>>> existing packages
>>> Provides the 00-index.tar.gz file needed by cabal-install, as well as
>>> the tarballs for all the packages
>>> In order to use this, just do the following:
>>> cabal install yackage
>>> run "yackage"
>>> Upload your packages
>>> Add remote-repo: yackage:http://localhost:3500/ to your ~/.cabal/config
>>> file
>>> cabal update
>>> Install your packages are usual
>>> You'll need to leave yackage running whenever you want to run an
>>> update or download new packages. A few other usage notes:
>>> If you overwrite a package, your cache folder will still have the old
>>> version. You might want to just wipe our your cache folder on each
>>> usage.
>>> Running cabal update will download the update for both yackage and the
>>> main hackage server; the latter can be a long process depending on
>>> your internet connection.
>>> Here's a little shell script that will disable the Hackage repo, wipe
>>> our the Yackage cache, update and re-enable the Hackage repo:
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> CABAL_DIR=~/.cabal
>>> cp $CABAL_DIR/config $CABAL_DIR/config.sav
>>> sed 's/^remote-repo: hackage/--remote-repo: hackage/' <
>>> $CABAL_DIR/config.sav > $CABAL_DIR/config
>>> rm -rf $CABAL_DIR/packages/yackage
>>> cabal update
>>> cp $CABAL_DIR/config.sav $CABAL_DIR/config
>>> I hope others find this tool useful.
>>> Michael
>>> [1]
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