On Tue, 04 Jan 2011 00:21:11 +0100, Eric <e...@mathmeth.com> wrote:

  Hi all,

I would like to use freeglut instead of GLUT for my Haskell OpenGL program, but when I place the freeglut dll in the program's directory and try to run the program on Windows XP, I get the following error message:

user error (unknown GLUT call glutSetOption, check for freeglut)

Can anyone help?

Eric M.

I searched for the error message and found the solution at page:

Before this blog was written, I had the same problem; I received the following answer from Peter Verswyvelen:
But when building GLFW, make sure that the GHC gcc-libdirectory comes *before* the MinGW/Cygwin directory inyour PATH environment variable, since when linking,the LD.EXE bundled with GHC *must* be used.

Henk-Jan van Tuyl


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