On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 08:50:52 +0100, Max Bolingbroke <batterseapo...@hotmail.com> wrote:


I also wanted to build gitit on Windows and encountered the datetime
issue. I sent the maintainer (Eric Sessoms) a request to bump his
version bounds on the 22nd December, but haven't received a reply. (I
had to bump a lot of other gitit version bounds, but those bumps
*have* been taken upstream)

I'm not sure what to do in a situation like this - since Hackage has
no security I could just upload a new version of datetime with the
bumped bounds, but this hardly seems polite, and I'm not really keen
on maintaining datetime long term. The change would also be lost if
Eric decides to upload a new version of his own.


I found Eric Sessoms' blog[0], he writes (via speech recognition software), that he cannot type because of tendinitis in his hands. That probably explains why he does not answer; maybe someone willing to take over maintenance can contact him via Skype or something like that. Other packages with his name in the maintainer field:
 - erlang
 - fitsio
 - scgi

Henk-Jan van Tuyl

[0] http://esessoms.posterous.com/


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