I tried this as an example and got the following error when running.

net.exe: connect: failed (Connection refused (WSAECONNREFUSED))

Firewall is off, running as administrator

Windows is Windows 7 Enterprise.

Advice on what to do next is appreciated

On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 1:24 PM, Nils Schweinsberg <m...@n-sch.de> wrote:

> Am 02.11.2010 19:57, schrieb Michael Litchard:
>  got any urls with examples?
> Sure, see this short server-client-ping-pong application.
> By the way, I noticed that you don't need withSocketsDo on windows 7, but I
> guess it's there for a reason for older windows versions. :)
>    import Control.Concurrent
>    import Network
>    import System.IO
>    main :: IO ()
>    main = withSocketsDo $ do
>        forkIO waitAndPong
>        ping
>    -- The basic server
>    waitAndPong :: IO ()
>    waitAndPong = do
>        socket <- listenOn (PortNumber 1234)
>        (handle,_,_) <- accept socket
>        hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
>        incoming <- hGetLine handle
>        putStrLn ("> " ++ incoming)
>        hPutStrLn handle "pong"
>    -- The basic client
>    ping :: IO ()
>    ping = do
>        handle <- connectTo "localhost" (PortNumber 1234)
>        hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
>        hPutStrLn handle "ping"
>        incoming <- hGetLine handle
>        putStrLn ("< " ++ incoming)
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