Patrick Browne schrieb:
> On 29/01/2011 20:56, Henning Thielemann wrote:
>> Is there a reason why you use an individual type for every unit?
>> The existing implementations of typed physical units only encode the
>> physical dimension in types and leave the unit factors to the value
>> level. I found this to be the most natural way.
> I am studying type classes using examples from the literature [1].
> There is no particular intension to implement anything.
> I am confused about the unit function in the code below.
> My understanding is:
> The signature of the unit function is defined in the MetricDescription
> class.
> Any valid instantce of MetricDescription will respect the functional
> dependency (FD):
> The FD | description -> unit  is exactly the signature of the unit function.
> My confusions
> I do not understand the definitions of unit in the instances.
> I do not know how the constant 1 can be equated with a *type*, Where did
> 1 come from?

I do not see a constant 1 that is equated with a type.

> I do not know how the constant 1 can be equated with *two distinct*
> definitions of the function uint and still produce the following correct
> results

Where is the constant 1 equated with two distinct definitions of 'unit'?

> Ok, modules loaded: A.
> *A>  unit (LengthInMetres  7)
> Metre
> *A> unit (LengthInCentimetres 7)
> Centimetre
> *A>

'unit' is a method of the class MetricDescription. The particular
implementation of 'unit' is chosen by the compiler according to the type
of the actual parameter and result of 'unit'.

> module A where
> -- Each member of the Unit class has one operator convertFactorToBaseUnit
> -- that takes a measurement unit (say metre) and returns a conversion
> factor for that unit of measurement
> class  Unit unit where
>   convertFactorToBaseUnit :: unit -> Double
> class (Unit unit) => MetricDescription description unit | description ->
> unit where
>  unit :: description -> unit
>  valueInUnit :: description -> Double
>  valueInBaseUnit :: description -> Double

Since valueInUnit and valueInBaseUnit do not need the 'unit' type, I
would put them in a separate class.

>  valueInBaseUnit d = (convertFactorToBaseUnit(unit d)) * (valueInUnit d)
> data Dog = Dog  deriving Show
> data Metre = Metre  deriving Show
> data Centimetre = Centimetre deriving Show
> -- An instance for metres, where the convert factor is 1.0
> instance Unit Metre where
>  convertFactorToBaseUnit Metre  = 1.0
> -- An instance for centimetres, where the convert factor is 0.1
> instance Unit Centimetre where
>   convertFactorToBaseUnit Centimetre  = 0.1

I assumed that  0.01m = 1cm

> data LengthInMetres = LengthInMetres Double  deriving Show
> data LengthInCentimetres = LengthInCentimetres Double  deriving Show
> instance MetricDescription LengthInMetres Metre where
>  valueInUnit (LengthInMetres d) = d
>  unit l = Metre

If you enable compiler warnings, then the compiler will warn you, that
'l' is not used. You can also write

unit _ = Metre

> instance MetricDescription LengthInCentimetres Centimetre where
>  valueInUnit (LengthInCentimetres d) = d
>  unit l = Centimetre

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