On 2/1/11 12:07 AM, Steven Collins wrote:
The following elisp code works for me to change the focus to the GHCi buffer (window) after the C-c C-l command in Haskell Mode. Try this in your .emacs file.

(defadvice inferior-haskell-load-file (after change-focus-after-load)
  "Change focus to GHCi window after C-c C-l command"
  (other-window 1))

(ad-activate 'inferior-haskell-load-file)

This worked for me! Thank you so very much for taking the time to send this and include the explanation of how it works. Not only did I get this working with my emacs, but I also got Kazu Yamamoto's ghc-mod 0.5.3 working, so now I have Haskell Flymake in my haskell-mode too. Great!

Thanks again.

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