The usual advice on how to store passwords securely is "use bcrypt", but
since there seem to be no Haskell bindings for bcrypt, the other good option
is to iterate a salted hash function at least 1000 times. In order for
people to get this right, there should be a library with a really simple API
that makes it Just Work. I think I have such an API, but I'd like to hear if
anybody else has suggestions before I go releasing it onto Hackage. The code
is here:

The part of the API that people have to care about is two functions.
makePassword creates a hashed, salted password that you can store in a
database. verifyPassword takes this hashed, salted password and a user's
password input, and tells you if it matches. Like this:

    >>> makePassword (B.pack "hunter2") 12


    >>> verifyPassword (B.pack "wrong guess") passwordHash
    >>> verifyPassword (B.pack "hunter2") passwordHash

There's also a function for increasing the number of hash iterations on
stored password hashes, to compensate for Moore's law.

Does this sound reasonable? Also, I have a pure-Haskell version and a
version which depends on some C code, for speed (about 25x difference). Does
anybody care about the pure Haskell version, or should I just drop it and
require the faster C/Haskell mixed version?

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