Haskell en Clean are very much alike.

 From what I could determine from a basic Clean introduction, Clean is very 
*unlike* Haskell, having a far more verbose and low-level syntax. (E.g., the 
compiler can't even determine whether a binding is recursive or not for itself. 
You have to say that manually.)

I have no idea what you are talking about here.
Clean is _very_ Haskell-like, including typeclasses.

Here's the first few lines of code from a Clean file I wrote in 1998.

I clearly have my languages mixed up.

The language I'm thinking of required all variables (even top-level ones) to be declared with "let" - unless the definition is recursive, in which case you have to say "letrec" (i.e., the compiler it too stupid to deduce this automatically). Apparently that isn't Clean...

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