On 16/02/2011 12:46, Sebastiaan Visser wrote:
On Feb 12, 2011, at 6:08 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:
On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 8:47 AM, Sebastiaan Visser<hask...@fvisser.nl>  wrote:
Hi all,

During a little experiment I discovered there is no MonadFix instance available 
for the STM monad. Is this absence the consequence of some deep restriction of 
how STM works or 'just accidental'? Is there some way I could derive this 

If you port `fixST` to the STM monad, it seems to work fine at first glance:


But I would want someone else's opinion on it to make sure I'm not
doing something like introducing lazy STM values that violate
atomicity, or something. The strict `case` on the return value makes
me feel pretty good about it.


Interesting! This approach seems to work for my examples as well. Unfortunately 
I do not have enough insides into STM to be able to tell if the code is correct.

Does someone else have an opinion on this? When not I might propose adding the 
instance to the STM package.

I think it's ok.  Go ahead and propose it.



For those who are interested and may know other ways to solve my problem, I'm 
trying to tie the knot in a graph by using transactional variables as the edges 
between nodes. I'm trying to do this in a rather generic way:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, 
StandaloneDeriving, DoRec #-}
module Graph where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Prelude hiding (mapM)
import qualified Data.Map as M

instance MonadFix STM where
   mfix = error "I need this instance!"      -- What to do?

-- A single node is a graph, has a list of both incoming and outgoing edges.

data Node edge = Node
   { nodeId   :: NodeId
   , payload  :: String
   , incoming :: [edge]
   , ougoing  :: [edge]
   } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

type NodeId = String

-- A graph with an index on the nodes by NodeId, parametrized with the type we
-- want to used as the edge pointer.

type Graph edge = M.Map NodeId (Node edge)

-- Type level fixed point combinator with a TVar annotation.

newtype TFix f = TIn { tout :: TVar (f (TFix f)) }

-- Take a graph that uses NodeIds as edges and recursively transform it into a
-- graph with TVars to the neighbouring nodes in the edges.

tieTheKnot :: Graph NodeId ->  STM (Graph (TFix Node))
tieTheKnot untied =
   do rec tied<- (mapM . mapM) (\nodeid ->  TIn<$>  newTVar (tryLookup nodeid 
tied)) untied
      return tied

-- Helper function to lookup a pre-tied node from a graph, throws an error when
-- the edge could not be resolved. This should, of course, not happen!

tryLookup :: NodeId ->  Graph (TFix Node) ->  Node (TFix Node)
tryLookup i = fromJust (error msg) . M.lookup i
   where msg = "tieTheKnot: Lookup error, input is an incomplete graph."

Thanks in advance,

Sebastiaan Visser
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