On 3/4/11 1:32 AM, Jason Dusek wrote:
   Hi List,

   I am working on a Bash config generation system. I've decided
   to factor out the Bash AST and pretty printer, here in a
   pre-release state:



   Given that every statement has an annotation, it seemed better
   to me to use mutually recursive datatypes, using one datatype
   to capture "annotatedness", like this:

     --  From 

     data Annotated t = Annotated t (Statement t)
     data Statement t = SimpleCommand Expression [Expression]
                      | ...
                      | IfThen (Annotated t) (Annotated t)
                      | ...

   I wonder what folks think of this approach?

This is the same basic approach used by Tim Sheard:


and I think it works pretty well for this kind of problem. One change I'd make is to use something like this definition instead:

    data Annotated a
        = NewAnn   a (Statement a)
        | MergeAnn a (Statement a)

where the annotation of MergeAnn is merged with the previous annotation up the tree (via mappend), thus allowing for annotations to be inherited and modified incrementally based on the Monoid instance; whereas the NewAnn constructor uses the annotation directly, overriding any contextual annotations. This can be helpful to reduce the amount of duplication in the AST, though how helpful will depend on how you plan to use/generate the ASTs.

Live well,

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