> This is already an improvement to my current code. But I am not
> entirely satisfied. I can pick and choose which structures to use in
> my terms but the context type is still an ordinary data type. Each
> module which extends the expression language with new structures needs
> to define a complicated context type.

But the context type does not have to be complicated. There is no
rule mandating the single context for any expression. For different
sorts of processing, one may define suitable contexts, containing only
the needed data.

The example from the earlier message had to do something special for a
literal that is the left immediate child of Add whose brother has
specific value. That example requires a simple context. Here is the
complete code, a small simplification of the code in the previous

> class Lit r where lit :: Integer -> r
> class Add r where add :: r -> r -> r
> instance Lit Integer where lit = fromInteger
> instance Add Integer where add = (+)
> instance Lit String where lit = show
> instance Add String where add x y = "(" ++ x ++ " + " ++ y ++ ")"
> data AddLCtx r = AddL r | NotAddL
> instance (Add r, Add s) => Add (AddLCtx s -> r, s) where
>     add (xa, xb) (ya, yb) = ( \c -> add (xa (AddL yb))
>                                         (ya NotAddL)
>                              , add xb yb
>                              )
> -- Silly interpreter, version 2.0
> instance Lit (AddLCtx Integer -> String, Integer) where
>      lit n = ( \c -> case c of
>                       AddL 3  -> "Foo!"
>                       _ -> lit n
>              , lit n
>              )
> t1 :: (Lit r, Add r) => r
> t1 = lit 2 `add` lit 3
> bar = let (f, x) = t1 :: (AddLCtx Integer -> String, Integer)
>        in f NotAddL
> -- "(Foo! + 3)"

Later on, we add multiplication.

> class Mul r where mul :: r -> r -> r
> instance Mul Integer where mul = (*)
> instance Mul String where mul x y = "(" ++ x ++ " * " ++ y ++ ")"

We extend the Ctx interpreter for Mul, assuming AddLCtx meant the
immediate left child of the Addition.  If a left descendant was meant,
the mul rule below should propagate the context rather than override

> instance (Mul r, Mul s) => Mul (AddLCtx s -> r, s) where
>     mul (xa, xb) (ya, yb) = ( \c -> mul (xa NotAddL)
>                                         (ya NotAddL)
>                              , mul xb yb
>                              )

> t2 :: (Lit r, Add r, Mul r) => r
> t2 = (lit 2 `add` lit 3) `mul` (lit 4 `mul` (lit 5 `add` lit 3))
> bar' = let (f, x) = t2 :: (AddLCtx Integer -> String, Integer)
>        in f NotAddL
> -- "((Foo! + 3) * (4 * (Foo! + 3)))"

Let's implement the example in the original message, and do something
special at the left immediate child of addition whose brother is so
and so and whose parent context is the left child of multiplication.

We define the context that suits the problem, tracking if we are the
left child of multiplication and if we are the left child of addition
that is the left child of multiplication. It is easier done than said.

> data AddML r = AddML r | MulL | NotAddML

> instance (Add r, Add s) => Add (AddML s -> r, s) where
>     add (xa, xb) (ya, yb) = ( \c -> 
>                               (case c of 
>                                 MulL  -> add (xa (AddML yb))
>                                              (ya NotAddML)
>                                 _     -> add (xa NotAddML) 
>                                              (ya NotAddML))
>                              , add xb yb
>                              )
> instance (Mul s, Mul r) => Mul (AddML s -> r, s) where
>     mul (xa, xb) (ya, yb) = (\c -> mul (xa MulL) (ya NotAddML),
>                              mul xb yb)

The original example:

> instance Lit (AddML Integer -> String, Integer) where
>      lit n = ( \c -> case c of
>                       AddML 3  -> "FooM!"
>                       _ -> lit n
>              , lit n
>              )
> bar'' = let (f, x) = t2 :: (AddML Integer -> String, Integer)
>         in f NotAddML
> -- "((FooM! + 3) * (4 * (5 + 3)))"

The fully safe and explicit Typeable in

shows example of defining many interpreters with many contexts. It was
the tough problem though -- the first example showing how to compare
to tagless-final terms for equality.

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