> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 6:57 PM, Jan Christiansen 
> <j...@informatik.uni-kiel.de> wrote:
>     On 12.02.2011, at 21:18, Aaron Gray wrote:
>         I was wondering if anyone had an idea or estimate as to how large the 
> Haskell community is ?
>     All the answers made me wonder what the criterion is to be a member of 
> the Haskell
> community. Are you a member if you downloaded
>     ghc, if you have (at least once) defined a Monad instance, if you have 
> written a hackage
> package, if you have contributed to the
>     Monad.Reader, if you have a github account with at least one Haskell 
> project, if you read at
> least one of the haskell mailing
>     lists, if you contribute to a haskell mailing list (perhaps on a regular 
> basis), if you post on
> reddit, if you answer/ask
>     questions on stackoverflow, if you have written at least 10000 lines of 
> code in Haskell, 
Manatee in developing, 26050 lines ... 

The real world program that written by Haskell.


I do not care how large haskell community now, 
I only know ours efforts make haskell community become more powerful!

  -- Andy

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