On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Michael Litchard <mich...@schmong.org>wrote:

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Ready or not, here I come.

What is the purposes of these 368 numbers?


> I'm working off of a example file from Yesod, ajax.lhs
> I've made an important change in types, and this has resulted in
> having to make the old code conform to the change. I will point out
> the specifics, then present my question. In the event I failed to
> include important information, I will paste in my code as well as the
> prototype.
> [Original]
> > getHomeR :: Handler ()
> > getHomeR = do
> >   Ajax pages _ <- getYesod
> >   let first = head pages
> >   redirect RedirectTemporary $ PageR $ pageSlug first
> [Changed]
> > getHomeR :: Handler ()
> > getHomeR = do
> >   Tframe pages _ <- getYesod
> >   let first = head pages
> >   redirect RedirectTemporary $ PageR $ pageSlug first
> Error Message
> test.lhs:62:4:
>    Constructor `Tframe' should have 2 arguments, but has been given 1
>    In the pattern: Tframe pages
>    In a stmt of a 'do' expression: Tframe pages <- getYesod   ****
> This is not what I wrote *****
>    In the expression:
>        do { Tframe pages <- getYesod;
>             content <- widgetToPageContent widget;
>             hamletToRepHtml
>               (hamlet-0.7.1:Text.Hamlet.Quasi.toHamletValue
>                  (do { (hamlet-0.7.1:Text.Hamlet.Quasi.htmlToHamletMonad
>                       . preEscapedString)
>                          "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>";
>                        (hamlet-0.7.1:Text.Hamlet.Quasi.htmlToHamletMonad
>                       . Text.Blaze.toHtml)
>                          (Main.pageTitle content);
>                        .... })) }
> As far as I can tell, I only made a cosmetic change. I don't know
> what's going on here.
> [Original]
> > data Page = Page
> >   { pageName :: String
> >   , pageSlug :: String
> >   , pageContent :: String     ******** I'm going to change this
> **********
> >   }
> [Changed]
> > data Page = Page
> >       { pageTitle :: String
> >       , pageSlug :: String -- ^ used in the URL
> >       , pageContent :: IO String           ******** This is the change
> *******
> >       }
> Here's where I run into trouble
> [Original]
> >   json page = jsonMap
> >       [ ("name", jsonScalar $ pageName page)
> >       , ("content", jsonScalar $ pageContent page)   ******** I'm going
> to change this ********
> >       ]
> [My changes]
> >   json page = jsonMap
> >       [ ("name", jsonScalar $ Main.pageTitle page)
> >       , ("content", jsonScalar $ liftIO $ pageContent page) ******* This
> is the change ***********
> >       ]
> Here's the compiler error
> test.lhs:107:35:
>    Couldn't match expected type `Char' against inferred type `[Char]'
>      Expected type: String
>      Inferred type: [String]
>    In the second argument of `($)', namely `liftIO $ pageContent page'
>    In the expression: jsonScalar $ liftIO $ pageContent page
> Failed, modules loaded: none.
> I'd appreciate a discussion about why this is wrong, and perhaps clues
> as to what is right.
> Last problem, stemming from the change in type to IO String. I don't
> have a clue as to what change I should make.
> test.lhs:100:25:
>    No instance for (Text.Blaze.ToHtml (IO String))
>      arising from a use of `Text.Blaze.toHtml'
>                   at test.lhs:(100,25)-(103,3)
>    Possible fix:
>      add an instance declaration for (Text.Blaze.ToHtml (IO String))
>    In the second argument of `(.)', namely `Text.Blaze.toHtml'
>    In a stmt of a 'do' expression:
>        (hamlet-0.7.1:Text.Hamlet.Quasi.htmlToHamletMonad
>       . Text.Blaze.toHtml)
>          (pageContent page)
>    In the first argument of
> `hamlet-0.7.1:Text.Hamlet.Quasi.toHamletValue', nam
>                          ely
>        `do { (hamlet-0.7.1:Text.Hamlet.Quasi.htmlToHamletMonad
>             . preEscapedString)
>                "<h1>";
>              (hamlet-0.7.1:Text.Hamlet.Quasi.htmlToHamletMonad
>             . Text.Blaze.toHtml)
>                (Main.pageTitle page);
>              (hamlet-0.7.1:Text.Hamlet.Quasi.htmlToHamletMonad
>             . preEscapedString)
>                "</h1><article>";
>              (hamlet-0.7.1:Text.Hamlet.Quasi.htmlToHamletMonad
>             . Text.Blaze.toHtml)
>                (pageContent page);
>              .... }'
> And finally, both files can be found below, if it is necessary to look at
> them.
> [Original]
> <p>We're going to write a very simple AJAX application. It will be a
> simple site with a few pages and a navbar; when you have Javascript,
> clicking on the links will load the pages via AJAX. Otherwise, it will
> use static HTML.</p>
> <p>We're going to use jQuery for the Javascript, though anything would
> work just fine. Also, the AJAX responses will be served as JSON. Let's
> get started.</p>
> > {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes,
> TemplateHaskell, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
> > import Yesod
> > import Yesod.Helpers.Static
> > import Data.Monoid (mempty)
> Like the blog example, we'll define some data first.
> > data Page = Page
> >   { pageName :: String
> >   , pageSlug :: String
> >   , pageContent :: String
> >   }
> > loadPages :: IO [Page]
> > loadPages = return
> >   [ Page "Page 1" "page-1" "My first page"
> >   , Page "Page 2" "page-2" "My second page"
> >   , Page "Page 3" "page-3" "My third page"
> >   ]
>  loadPages :: IO [Page]
>  loadPages = do
> >
> > data Ajax = Ajax
> >   { ajaxPages :: [Page]
> >   , ajaxStatic :: Static
> >   }
> > type Handler = GHandler Ajax Ajax
> Next we'll generate a function for each file in our static folder.
> This way, we get a compiler warning when trying to using a file which
> does not exist.
> > staticFiles "static/yesod/ajax"
> Now the routes; we'll have a homepage, a pattern for the pages, and
> use a static subsite for the Javascript and CSS files.
> > mkYesod "Ajax" [$parseRoutes|
> > /                  HomeR   GET
> > /page/#String      PageR   GET
> > /static            StaticR Static ajaxStatic
> > |]
> <p>That third line there is the syntax for a subsite: Static is the
> datatype for the subsite argument; siteStatic returns the site itself
> (parse, render and dispatch functions); and ajaxStatic gets the
> subsite argument from the master argument.</p>
> <p>Now, we'll define the Yesod instance. We'll still use a dummy
> approot value, but we're also going to define a default layout.</p>
> > instance Yesod Ajax where
> >   approot _ = ""
> >   defaultLayout widget = do
> >   Ajax pages _ <- getYesod
> >   content <- widgetToPageContent widget
> >   hamletToRepHtml [$hamlet|
> > \<!DOCTYPE html>
> >
> > <html>
> >   <head>
> >     <title>#{pageTitle content}
> >     <link rel="stylesheet" href="@{StaticR style_css}">
> >     <script src="
> http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js";>
> >     <script src="@{StaticR script_js}">
> >     \^{pageHead content}
> >   <body>
> >     <ul id="navbar">
> >       $forall page <- pages
> >         <li>
> >           <a href="@{PageR (pageSlug page)}">#{pageName page}
> >     <div id="content">
> >       \^{pageBody content}
> > |]
> <p>The Hamlet template refers to style_css and style_js; these were
> generated by the call to staticFiles above.  There's nothing
> Yesod-specific about the <a
> href="/static/yesod/ajax/style.css">style.css</a> and <a
> href="/static/yesod/ajax/script.js">script.js</a> files, so I won't
> describe them here.</p>
> <p>Now we need our handler functions. We'll have the homepage simply
> redirect to the first page, so:</p>
> > getHomeR :: Handler ()
> > getHomeR = do
> >   Ajax pages _ <- getYesod
> >   let first = head pages
> >   redirect RedirectTemporary $ PageR $ pageSlug first
> And now the cool part: a handler that returns either HTML or JSON
> data, depending on the request headers.
> > getPageR :: String -> Handler RepHtmlJson
> > getPageR slug = do
> >   Ajax pages _ <- getYesod
> >   case filter (\e -> pageSlug e == slug) pages of
> >       [] -> notFound
> >       page:_ -> defaultLayoutJson (do
> >           setTitle $ string $ pageName page
> >           addHamlet $ html page
> >           ) (json page)
> >  where
> >   html page = [$hamlet|
> > <h1>#{pageName page}
> > <article>#{pageContent page}
> > |]
> >   json page = jsonMap
> >       [ ("name", jsonScalar $ pageName page)
> >       , ("content", jsonScalar $ pageContent page)
> >       ]
> <p>We first try and find the appropriate Page, returning a 404 if it's
> not there. We then use the applyLayoutJson function, which is really
> the heart of this example. It allows you an easy way to create
> responses that will be either HTML or JSON, and which use the default
> layout in the HTML responses. It takes four arguments: 1) the title of
> the HTML page, 2) some value, 3) a function from that value to a
> Hamlet value, and 4) a function from that value to a Json value.</p>
> <p>Under the scenes, the Json monad is really just using the Hamlet
> monad, so it gets all of the benefits thereof, namely interleaved IO
> and enumerator output. It is pretty straight-forward to generate JSON
> output by using the three functions jsonMap, jsonList and jsonMap. One
> thing to note: the input to jsonScalar must be HtmlContent; this helps
> avoid cross-site scripting attacks, by ensuring that any HTML entities
> will be escaped.</p>
> <p>And now our typical main function. We need two parameters to build
> our Ajax value: the pages, and the static loader. We'll load up from a
> local directory.</p>
> > main :: IO ()
> > main = do
> >
> >   pages <- loadPages
> >   let s = static "static/yesod/ajax"
> >   warpDebug 3000 $ Ajax pages s
> [My changes]
> > {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell,
> MultiParamTypeClasses
> >  #-}
> > import Yesod
> > import Yesod.Helpers.Static
> > import System.Environment
> > import System.IO
> > import System.Directory
> > import System.FilePath.Posix
> > import Control.Applicative
> > import Data.List.Split
> > data Page = Page
> >       { pageTitle :: String
> >       , pageSlug :: String -- ^ used in the URL
> >       , pageContent :: IO String
> >       }
> > loadPage :: IO [Page]
> > loadPage = do
> >  let directoryPath = "/home/mlitchard/playground/webTests/files"
> >  let processedPath = map (directoryPath </>) . filter (`notElem`
> [".",".."])
> >  pageFileNames <- processedPath <$> getDirectoryContents directoryPath
> >  let pageFiles = map readFile pageFileNames
> >  return $ zipWith popEntries pageFileNames pageFiles
> -- >  return $ zipWith popEntries
> > popEntries :: FilePath -> IO String -> Page
> > popEntries pageFileName pageFile =
> >   let pageT = last $ splitOn "/" pageFileName
> >       pageS = "Job" ++ pageT
> >   in  Page { Main.pageTitle=pageT,
> >              pageSlug=pageS,
> >              pageContent=pageFile }
> > data Tframe = Tframe
> >   { tframePages :: [Page]
> >   , tframeStatic :: Static
> >   }
> > type Handler = GHandler Tframe Tframe
> > staticFiles "static/yesod/ajax"
> Routes
> > mkYesod "Tframe" [$parseRoutes|
> > /                    HomeR   GET
> > /page/#String        PageR   GET
> > /static              StaticR Static tframeStatic
> > |]
> defining the Yesod instance
> > instance Yesod Tframe where
> >   approot _ = ""
> >   defaultLayout widget = do
> >   Tframe pages <- getYesod
> >   content <- widgetToPageContent widget
> >   hamletToRepHtml [$hamlet|
> > \<!DOCTYPE html>
> >
> > <html>
> >   <head>
> >     <title>#{Main.pageTitle content}
> >     <link rel="stylesheet" href="@{StaticR style_css}">
> >     <script src="
> http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js";>
> >     <script src="@{StaticR script_js}">
> >     \^{pageHead content}
> >   <body>
> >     <ul id="navbar">
> >       $forall page <- pages
> >         <li>
> >           <a href="@{PageR (pageSlug page)}">#{Main.pageTitle page}
> >     <div id="content">
> >       \^{pageBody content}
> > |]
> > getHomeR :: Handler ()
> > getHomeR = do
> >   Tframe pages _ <- getYesod
> >   let first = head pages
> >   redirect RedirectTemporary $ PageR $ pageSlug first
> > getPageR :: String -> Handler RepHtmlJson
> > getPageR slug = do
> >   Tframe pages _ <- getYesod
> >   case filter (\e -> pageSlug e == slug) pages of
> >       [] -> notFound
> >       page:_ -> defaultLayoutJson (do
> >           setTitle $ string $ Main.pageTitle page
> >           addHamlet $ html page
> >           ) (json page)
> >  where
> >   html page = [$hamlet|
> > <h1>#{Main.pageTitle page}
> > <article>#{pageContent page}
> > |]
> >   json page = jsonMap
> >       [ ("name", jsonScalar $ Main.pageTitle page)
> >       , ("content", jsonScalar $ liftIO $ pageContent page)
> >       ]
> > main :: IO ()
> > main = do
> >
> >   pages <- loadPage
> >   let s = static "static/yesod/ajax"
> >   warpDebug 3000 $ Tframe pages s
> If you've read to the bottom, thanks for your patience. I appreciate
> any illumination you can send my way.
> Michael
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