Hi All,

Last week I asked a question with the subject "object oriented
technique".  I got a lot very helpful answers and I thank all who
contributed.  At the end of my question, I alluded to some problems
that I was having with what I wanted to do next, which was to add
additional polymorphism.  I figured out a solution, which is:


{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}

data Rectangle a = MkRectangle { rx, ry, rw, rh :: a }
                        deriving (Eq, Show)

drawRect :: Show a => Rectangle a -> String
drawRect r = "Rect (" ++ show (rx r) ++ ", "  ++ show (ry r) ++ ") -- "
             ++ show (rw r) ++ " x " ++ show (rh r)

data Circle a = MkCircle {cx, cy, cr :: a}
                        deriving (Eq, Show)

drawCirc :: Show a => Circle a -> String
drawCirc c = "Circ (" ++ show (cx c) ++ ", " ++ show (cy c)++ ") -- "
             ++ show (cr c)

r1 = MkRectangle 0 0 3 2
r2 = MkRectangle 1 1 4 5
c1 = MkCircle 0 0 5
c2 = MkCircle 2 0 7

class ShapeC a s | s -> a where
  draw :: s -> String
  copyTo :: s -> a -> a -> s

-- GADT version
data ShapeD a  where
  MkShapeD :: ShapeC a s => s -> ShapeD a

-- Existential Quantification version
data ShapeD a = forall s . ShapeC a s => MkShapeD s

instance ShapeC a (ShapeD a) where
  draw (MkShapeD s) = draw s
  copyTo (MkShapeD s) x y = MkShapeD (copyTo s x y)

mkShape :: ShapeC a s => s -> ShapeD a
mkShape s = MkShapeD s

instance Show a => ShapeC a (Rectangle a) where
  draw = drawRect
  copyTo (MkRectangle _ _ rw rh) x y = MkRectangle x y rw rh

instance Show a => ShapeC a (Circle a) where
  draw = drawCirc
  copyTo (MkCircle _ _ r) x y = MkCircle x y r

r1s = MkShapeD r1
r2s = MkShapeD r2
c1s = MkShapeD c1
c2s = MkShapeD c2

shapes1 = [r1s, r2s, c1s, c2s]
drawing1 = map draw shapes1

shapes2 = map mkShape rs ++ map mkShape cs
drawing2 = map draw shapes2

-- copy the shapes to the origin then draw them
shapes3 = map (\s -> copyTo s 0 0) shapes2
drawing3 = map draw shapes3


The main difference with my previous version is that the above
is polymorphic in the type for the origin and dimensions.
(I used a Double previously.)

Also, the above version uses existential quantification instead
of GADTs, only because some said that that method is more

I had to use functional dependencies in the defintion of class
ShapeC to get it to compile and run.

Ed Yang's excellent post
says that type families are equivalent to multiparameter type classes
+ functional dependencies, so I tried to rewrite the above using
type families, but I got stuck. Also the GHC documentaton
says that

   "Equality constraints ... enable a simple translation of programs
    using functional dependencies into programs using family
    synonyms instead.

So I tried:

class (T s ~ a) => ShapeC a s where
  type T s :: *
  draw :: s -> String
  copyTo :: s -> T s -> T s -> s

but got a compile error:

  Alas, GHC 7.0 still cannot handle equality superclasses: T s ~ a

So my question is, how does one convert the above code to use type
families instead of functional dependencies?  Is one technique
preferable over another?



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