Excellent, thanks for running with this!

I have an RDF/XML parser (based on a fork of HaXML) that I'd like to integrate at some time, and it's remotely possible that I might have a little time to work on this in the coming months..


Doug Burke wrote:
I am pleased to announce an update of the swish package to version [1]. It is mainly meant to be a maintenance upgrade over the
existing version on Hackage [2] by Vasili I. Galchin, but does add additional functionality in that it now supports the NTriples format and the N3 parser and formatter has been updated to better match the current specification.

For those not aware of what Swish actually is, it is an experiment
by Graham Klyne in writing a "Semantic Web" framework in Haskell [3].

I note that the wonderful machinery behind Hackage has already
processed the documentation so you can read more about it at [1]
as well as the very-sparsely-documented Wiki at [4].

[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/swish-
[2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/swish-0.2.1
[3] http://www.ninebynine.org/Software/swish-0.2.1.html
[4] https://bitbucket.org/doug_burke/swish/wiki/Home

Thanks for reading this far,

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