On May 4, 2011, at 4:50 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

   One of the benefits of a site like SO as a forum is the ability to
record and link to prior work, edit for technical errors, and easily search and categorize past answers. It is also less prone to noise,
   for those suffering from cafe overload.

I would also recommend SO.

My only experience of SO is that I asked a question once, and to this day it has still only been viewed a grand total of 6 times. (And I think that was just me looking to see if there were any replies yet.) OTOH, it wasn't Haskell-related.

I think Haskell questions on SO tend to the opposite extreme; no matter how poorly thought-out the question, the Haskell community will descend on it like a swarm of helpful piranhas.

Languages like Java and C# have such an overwhelmingly huge number of questions (the quality of which are, frankly, quite poor on average) that very few people are going to actually sit and look through even 1% of them. Haskell, on the other hand, has a small enough volume that people can at least skim the ones from the last past day or two in a fairly small amount of time.

-- James

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