Has anyone tried webfaction.com with Haskell?

I use them for custom Python web apps and they're great (competitive shared
hosting price, ssh access, easy to setup proxy apps listening on custom
ports or cgi apps with the ability to edit .htaccess). Loosely speaking it's
a cross between traditional shared hosting and VPS hosting, but I'm not
quite ready for web development with Haskell yet so I've only used it with

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Christopher Done

> On 6 May 2011 20:18, Steffen Schuldenzucker 
> <sschuldenzuc...@uni-bonn.de>wrote:
>> I don't really expect this to work, but...
>> <?php
>> $argsstr = ...
>> $ok = 0
>> passthru( './my_real_cgi '.$argsstr, $ok );
>> exit( $ok );
>> ?>
> I actually got something like that to work on a shared host before, I used
> PHP as the starter and then served a CGI app. You need to make sure the
> shared libraries for Haskell are on there too (gmp, for example, IIRC).
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