The intent is that all management of infrastructure
continues to be done by the committee, following this
charter (e.g. the team that has been making decisions about servers and systems for the past 6 months):

So the day-to-day work of that we all see remains with the
community. The paper filing and legal work is done by the SFC support.


The process for the committee itself was voted on last year:

 *  The committee consists of 7 members. Members are expected to serve
a 3 year term, and terms are staggered so that 2 or 3 members step
down each year, at the end of October.

 *  The members will elect one of their number to be chair each year.
The chair is responsible for making sure that things keep moving, and
to ensure that a conclusion is reached on any issues raised.

 *    When a member steps down, either because they have reached the
end of their term or because other circumstances require them to step
down early, open self-nominations will be sought from the community
via the haskell@ mailing list. Previous committee members, including
those who have just stepped down, will also be eligible for
nomination. The committee will then select a replacement from amongst
those nominated.

 *   Each year, the committee will post a statement of the
assets, and the transactions for that year. Some details may be
omitted, e.g. for confidentiality of donors.


On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 2:16 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones
<> wrote:
> Dear committee
> Great stuff.  Thanks for getting this together.
> Things I wondered about are:
>        - who will run the entity?
>        - how are they chosen?  do they have fixed terms?
>        - how are they accountable to the Haskell Community
>          (eg an a brief annual report would be good;
>             since money is involved, accounts perhaps)
> None of these look like being problems to me, but I think we should have a 
> page that sets out these matters -- a kind of constitution for, 
> if you like -- as part of the process.
> Simon
> | -----Original Message-----
> | From: [] 
> On Behalf
> | Of Don Stewart
> | Sent: 10 May 2011 23:45
> | To:; Haskell Libraries; GHC Users Mailing List; 
> haskell-cafe;
> |
> | Subject: Proposal to incorporate
> |
> | Hello everyone.
> |
> | The committee[1], in the interest of the long-term stability
> | of the open source Haskell community infrastructure, has decided to
> | incorporate as a legal entity. This email outlines our
> | recommendation, and seeks input from the community on this decision.
> |
> | The committee's proposal is that incorporate as an entity
> | under the Software Freedom Conservancy umbrella organization (the same group
> | that Darcs joined recently):
> |
> |
> |
> | If we proceed with this move, will be a legal entity, and
> | registered as a non-profit, allowing us to more directly accept
> | (US tax-deductible) donations, and to invest in assets that benefit the
> | Haskell open source community.
> |
> | We welcome your feedback on the proposal attached below.
> |
> | -- Don Stewart (on behalf of the committee)
> |
> |
> |
> | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |
> | = A proposal for the incorporation of =
> |
> | In recent years, has started to receive assets, e.g. money from
> | Google Summer Of Code, donations for Hackathons, and a Sparc machine for 
> use in
> | GHC development. We have also started spending this money: in particular, on
> | hosting itself. There is also interest in running fundraising
> | drives for specific things such as Hackathon sponsorship and hosting fees.
> |
> | However, doesn't currently exist as a legal entity, meaning that
> | these assets have had to be held on our behalf by other entities, such as
> | Galois and various universities. This leads to tricky situations, with 
> no-one
> | being sure who should decide how the assets can be used.
> |
> | To solve these problems, we propose that applies to become a 
> member
> | project of the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC)
> | <>. The SFC is a non-profit 
> organization
> | that provides free financial and administrative services to open source
> | projects. Additionally, it has 501(c)(3) status, meaning donations from the 
> US
> | are tax-deductible. The SFC would hold's money and other assets,
> | and would be able to accept donations on behalf of
> |
> | The committee, as described here [2], will make decisions on
> | spending assets and other decisions related to governing the non-profit.
> |
> |
> | Before proceeding, we are inviting input from the community in the form
> | of specific objections or queries regarding the plan.
> |
> | We've tried to answer some of the most likely questions:
> |
> | Q: Does this mean that my Haskell project must now be covered by a
> |      copyleft licence such as GPL?
> | A: No, but Haskell projects using resource should use an
> |     Open Source licence
> |      <>.
> |
> | Q: Will it still be possible to use community.h.o to host
> |      non-open-source material, such as academic papers?
> | A: An overall minority of such content, as is the current situation, is
> |     not a problem.
> |
> | Q: Will it still be possible to have job ads on the mailing
> |     lists and website?
> | A: Yes.
> |
> | Q: Will this affect our ability to host the Haskell Symposium
> |     <>  and Industrial Haskell
> |     Group<>  webpages within
> | A: No.
> |
> | Q: What will be the relationship between and other
> |     organizations such as the Haskell Symposium and Industrial Haskell
> |     Group?
> | A: Those organisations will continue to exist as separate entities.
> |
> | Q: If an umbrella non-profit organisation "The Haskell Foundation" was
> |     created, would be able to join it?
> | A: Yes. It's likely that in such a scenario, the Haskell Foundation
> |     would become the owner of the domain name, with the cost
> |     divided between the members. The entity that is part of the SFC would
> |     be renamed "" in order to avoid confusion.
> |
> | [1]:
> | [2]:
> |
> | _______________________________________________
> | Libraries mailing list
> |
> |

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