What on earth are you doing that mixes Haskell, C++, Scala, and Python? I am very intrigued by the very idea of such a project. :-)

I have to confess that don't care for waf myself because I had unpleasant experiences using it which stemmed in part from its design which I also didn't like. For example, if you don't get the proper complex incantations correct then it will simply fail silently without giving you any hint as to what you might have gotten wrong, even for the most basic of tasks! Also, the last time I looked into waf in depth a couple of years ago the basic task model was designed around a language like C++ where there is a build phase and then a link phase and everything within a phase can be built in any order, so to compile something like Haskell code you need to essentially put every file in its own phase, but the scheduler they used for phases was not optimized at all precisely because they were assuming a C++-like model where there were only a couple of phases; they could have changed this since then, though.

But anyway, I am always willing to keep an open mind about tools if someone convinces me that my current negative impressions about them is wrong or outdated, so if you got waf to build a project with all four of those languages then that does definitely give it extra points in my book. :-)


On 5/14/11 6:12 PM, Nathan Howell wrote:

Waf supports parallel builds and works with GHC without too much trouble. I use it in a mixed Haskell, C++, Scala and Python build. If there is interest I could conceivably clean up the ghc waf tool and release it.

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Gregory Crosswhite <gcr...@phys.washington.edu <mailto:gcr...@phys.washington.edu>> wrote:

    On 5/14/11 1:25 PM, Maciej Marcin Piechotka wrote:

        (to mention
        one which is often neglected - parallel build).

    While I do appreciate you stepping in to defend autotools (if for
    no other reason then because someone has to so that the discussion
    is balanced :-) ), I think that you are wrong to say that
    autotools is unusual in getting the idea of parallel builds right,
    since in my experience the opposite is the case:  most systems
    support parallel builds --- such as SCons, CMake, I think waf,
    etc. --- with Cabal being an outlier here.


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