Submission deadline: June 25, 2011
Invited speakers: Mats Rooth (Cornell), Noam Zeilberger (Universite' Paris 7)
There will be a tutorial session in the evening before the workshop.

       ACM SIGPLAN Continuation Workshop 2011

        co-located with ICFP 2011, Tokyo, Japan
             Saturday, September 24, 2011

                 Call for Contributions

Continuations have been discovered many times, which highlights their
many applications in programming language semantics and program
analysis, linguistics, logic, parallel processing, compilation and web
programming.  Recently, there has been a surge of interest
specifically in delimited continuations: new implementations (in
Scala, Ruby, OCaml, Haskell), new applications (to probabilistic
programming, event-driven distributed processing), substructural and
constructive logics, natural language semantics.

The goal of the Continuation Workshop is to make continuations more
accessible and useful -- to practitioners and to researchers in
various areas of computer science and outside computer science. We
wish to promote communication among the implementors and users in many
fields. We would like to publicize the applications of continuations
in academic (logic, linguistics) and practical fields and various
programming languages (OCaml, Haskell, Scala, Ruby, Scheme, etc).

Continuation Workshop 2011 will be informal. We aim at accessible
presentations of exciting if not fully polished research, and of
interesting academic, industrial and open-source applications that are
new or unfamiliar. The workshop will have no published proceedings;
submissions of short abstracts are preferred.

Invited speakers
Mats Rooth, Director of Computational Linguistics Lab, 
            Cornell University, USA

Noam Zeilberger, Universite' Paris 7

In the evening before the workshop, there will be a tutorial session
on delimited continuations and their main applications.

Tutorial date and time: Friday, September 23, 2011, 19:00-21:00 
Tutorial place: IIJ (next to NII, the place of the ICFP conference)
Tutorial speakers: Kenichi Asai and Oleg Kiselyov

Important dates
Submission:    June 25, 2011
Notification:  August 8, 2011
Tutorials:     September 23, 2011
Workshop:      September 24, 2011


The workshop will consist of presentations by the participants,
selected from submitted abstracts.  Participants are invited to submit
working drafts, source code, and/or extended abstracts for
distribution on the workshop homepage and to the attendees, but as the
workshop will have no formal proceedings, any contributions may be
submitted for publication to other venues. (See the SIGPLAN
republication policy for more details.)


We seek several types of presentations on topics related to
continuations. We especially encourage presentations that describe
work in progress, outline a future research agenda, or encourage
lively discussion.

Research presentations on:
 - implementations of continuations
 - semantics
 - type systems and logics
 - meta-theory and its mechanization
 - code generation with continuations or effects
 - distributed programming
 - systems programming and security
 - pearls
Research presentations must be broadly accessible and should describe
new ideas, experimental results, significant advances in the theory or
application of continuations, or informed positions regarding new
control operators. 

Application presentations, or status reports

These broadly accessible presentations should describe interesting
applications of continuations in research, industry or open source.
We encourage presentations of applications from areas outside of
programming language research -- such as linguistics, logics, AI,
computer graphics, operating systems, etc. These presentations need
not present original research, but should deliver information that is
new or that is unfamiliar to the general ICFP audience. (A broadly
accessible version of research presented elsewhere, with the most
recent results and more discussion of future work may be acceptable as
a CW 2011 status report.) The abstract submission should justify, to a
general reader, why an application is interesting.

Demos and work-in-progress reports

Live demonstrations or presentations of preliminary results are
intended to show new developments, interesting prototypes, or work in
progress. In the abstract submission (which need only be about half a
page), describe the demo and its technical content, and be sure to
include the demo's title, authors, collaborators, references, and
acknowledgments. A demonstration should take 10-15 minutes, and a
work-in-progress report should take about 5 minutes.  The exact time
per demo will be decided based on the number of accepted
submissions. (Presenters will have to bring all the software and
hardware for their demonstration; the workshop organizers are only
able to provide a projector.)

Submission Guidelines and Instructions

Unlike the previous Continuation Workshops, we do not require the
submission of complete research papers. We will select presentations
based on submitted abstracts, up to 2 (A4 or US letter) pages long in
the PDF format (with the optional supplementary material, up to 8 PDF
pages). Persons for whom this poses a hardship should contact the
program chair. Submissions longer than a half a page should include a
paragraph synopsis suitable for inclusion in the workshop program.

Email submissions to


Yukiyoshi Kameyama, University of Tsukuba
Chung-chieh Shan, Rutgers University
Oleg Kiselyov

Program Committee

Kenichi Asai, Ochanomizu University, Japan
Malgorzata Biernacka, University of Wroclaw, Poland
Hugo Herbelin, PPS - pi.r2, INRIA, France
Oleg Kiselyov
Julia Lawall, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Tiark Rompf, EPFL, Switzerland
Chung-chieh Shan, Rutgers University (Chair)
Hayo Thielecke, University of Birmingham, UK

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