On 25/05/11 10:00, Jonas Almström Duregård wrote:
As an equivalent to:

f (x a) (y b) (z c)

Of course my intention is that the new keyword should initiate layout syntax so we can write this:

f <applied to>
  x a
  y b
  z c

Here's a (tongue-in-cheek) trick that allows for layout close to what you wanted (spoiler: but not close enough!). We start by switching to parameterised monads (which allow you to change the type of the monad as you go down the do-block; look carefully at the second and third parameters in the monad class):

{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}

> import Control.Applicative
> import Prelude ((++), (.), Num(..), Eq(..), ($), id, Int, Char, String, Float, ?, const, Show(..), Fractional(..))

> class Monad m where
>   (>>=) :: m a b y -> (y -> m b c z) -> m a c z
>   return :: b -> m a a b

> (>>) :: Monad m => m a b y -> m b c z -> m a c z
> (>>) m n = m >>= const n

Then we define a type for wrapping pure functions in this monad:

> data Fun a b c = Fun (a -> b) c

> instance Monad Fun where
>   (>>=) (Fun f x) m = let Fun g y = m x in Fun (g . f) y
>   return x = Fun id x

Then we add a helper for unwrapping it:

> ($$) :: a -> Fun a b c -> b
> ($$) f (Fun g _) = g f

And a function for supplying an argument:

> r :: a -> Fun (a -> b) b a
> r x = Fun ($ x) x

And so what does let us do?  Well, here's how it's used:

> foo :: Int -> Char -> String -> Float -> String
> foo a b c d = show (a, b, c, d)

> eg :: String
> eg = foo $$ do
>   r$ 2 + 1
>   r$ 'c'
>   r$ "hello" ++ "goodbye"
>   r$ 3.0

foo is the function we want to apply, and eg shows how to apply it in do-notation with an argument on each line. I couldn't manage to remove the r$ at the beginning of each line, which rather ruins the whole scheme :-( On the plus side, there's no brackets, it's only two extra characters per line, and you can have whatever you like after the r$.

For those who are interested, you can also use the same trick for writing Applicatives in a do notation. Continuing the same module, we can add an analogue for each of the types and functions for Applicative:

> data App f a b c = App (f a -> f b) c

> instance Applicative f => Monad (App f) where
>   (>>=) (App f x) m = let App g y = m x in App (g . f) y
>   return x = App id x

> (<$$>) :: Applicative f => f a -> App f a b c -> f b
> (<$$>) f (App g _) = g f

> s :: Applicative f => f a -> App f (a -> b) b (f a)
> s x = App (<*> x) x

Then we can use this on things which are Applicative but not Monad, e.g.

> egA :: [String]
> egA = getZipList $ pure foo <$$> do
>   s$ ZipList [3, 6, 7]
>   s$ ZipList "hello"
>   s$ ZipList ["more", "strings"]
>   s$ ZipList [1.0, 1.5, 2.0]

And that's enough silly playing around :-)


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