I'm no expert with compcert, but as I understand it their approach is
to only do semantic preserving changes to the program at each step in
the translation from C source to binary.  I'm not sure what they used
as their specification of C and it seems like the correctness of their
approach would still depend on a spec.

The CompCert C compiler's verified pathway starts at C-Light, passes through a number of intermediate languages, and ends at ARM/Power PC assembly code. The existence of a reliable assembler for Power PC or ARM assembler is assumed, as is the correctness of the CIL tool which transforms C code into C-Light. Blazy and Leroy produced an operational semantics of C-Light in [1]. Naturally, you can then ask how reliable a model of a "stripped-down C" C-Light really is. I believe Regehr's failure to find any bugs in the verified "middle-end" of the CompCert compiler goes some way to clearing that up (he did find bugs in the unverified front-end, though) [2]!

Note, in regards to CompCert, what you mean by "semantics preserving" is actually preservation of a program's extensional semantics. There's no guarantee that the CompCert C compiler will not transform an efficient piece of C code into some computational atrocity, albeit with the same extensional "meaning", at the assembly level. We consider this problem in CerCo [3], a related project to CompCert, which uses essentially the same intermediate languages as CompCert (including starting at C-Light), but also proving that each transformation step also preserves, or improves, the concrete complexity of the code under transformation.

> There's a second (haha) approach, which I use basically every day.

> Use the typing language fragment from a strongly typed programming language to express a specification, and then rely on "free" functions/theorems and the Howard-Curry isomorphism theorem to guarantee correctness of implementation relative to the specification.

How does this count as a distinct approach to the problem? It's essentially what happens when you verify a program in Coq.

Further, there's much too sharp a distinction in the OP's mind between constructing a verified program in a proof assistant and verifying an existing program. Every large scale verification effort starts out with a prototype written in a high-level language, as far as I can tell. seL4's verification started with a Haskell prototype, IIRC, and CerCo's compiler started as an O'Caml prototype, before we began translating it into Matita's internal language [4]. CompCert, AFAIK, did exactly the same thing as we do, using an O'Caml prototype. It is *much* cheaper to make large scale design changes in a prototype written in a high-level programming language than it is in the internal language of a proof assistant.

[1]: http://gallium.inria.fr/~xleroy/publi/Clight.pdf <http://gallium.inria.fr/%7Exleroy/publi/Clight.pdf> [2]: http://www.cs.utah.edu/~regehr/papers/pldi11-preprint.pdf <http://www.cs.utah.edu/%7Eregehr/papers/pldi11-preprint.pdf>
[3]: http://cerco.cs.unibo.it
[4]: http://matita.cs.unibo.it

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