On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 07:23, Henry House <hajho...@hajhouse.org> wrote:
> Does there exist any sample code or other resources on writing a custom
> SQL-to-Haskell datatype converter instance for use with HDBC that would be
> accessible to someone just starting with Haskell? The reason I need this is
> because of this problem (using PostgreSQL):
> Prelude Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL Database.HDBC> res <- (quickQuery db "select 
> 1::numeric(5,4);" [])
> Prelude Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL Database.HDBC> res
> [[SqlRational (1 % 1)]]
> Prelude Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL Database.HDBC> res <- (quickQuery db "select 
> 1::numeric(5,0);" [])
> [[SqlRational (1 % 1)]]
> where db is a database connection. The SQL values 1::numeric(5,4) and
> 1::numeric(5,0) are supposed to be fixed-precision numbers having 4 and zero
> significant decimal figures after the decimal point, respectively. Both are
> offered by HDBC as the same SqlValue, SqlRational (1 % 1) but they are not
> really the same at all. The precision information has been lost. The native
> outputs of PostgreSQL, before HDBC's type conversion, are 1.0000 and 1 for
> 'select 1::numeric(5,4);' and 'select 1::numeric(5,0);', respectively.

Do you really need the precision info about the column, or do you just
need the values at the right precision? Because you get the last thing

Prelude Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL Database.HDBC Data.Ratio
Control.Monad> (fromSql . head . head) `liftM` (quickQuery db "select
1.231 ::numeric(5,0);" []) :: IO Rational
1 % 1
Prelude Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL Database.HDBC Data.Ratio
Control.Monad> (fromSql . head . head) `liftM` (quickQuery db "select
1.231 ::numeric(5,4);" []) :: IO Rational
1231 % 1000

If you need the precision information, perhaps 'describeResult' will
give you what you need. I've never used it, but it looks like it


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