Hi, all
I thought the right type for ContT should be
newtype ContT m a = ContT {runContT :: forall r. (a-> m r) -> m r}
other control operators
shift :: Monad m => (forall r . (a-> ContT m r) -> ContT m r) -> ContT m a
reset :: Monad m => ContT m a -> ContT m a
callCC :: ((a-> (forall r . ContT m r)) -> ContT m a) -> ContT m a

unfortunately, I can not make callCC type check, and don't know how to
do it.
I managed to make shift, reset type check

reset :: Monad m => ContT m a -> ContT m a
reset e = ContT $ \ k -> runContT e return >>= k

shift :: Monad m => (forall r . (a-> ContT m r) -> ContT m r) -> ContT m a
shift e = ContT $ \ (k :: a -> m r) ->
runContT ((e $ \ v -> ContT $ \c -> k v >>= c) :: ContT m r) return

but still, I cann't use shift, reset in recursive jumpings like this?

newtype H r m = H (H r m -> ContT m r)
unH (H x) = x
test = flip runContT return $ reset $ do
jump <- shift (\f -> f (H f))
lift . print $ "hello"
unH jump jump

Have anyone tried this before?
Best, bob

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