Dear list,

Cabal- contains a bug that causes it to fail to parse the
test-suite target of bytestring- Since cabal-install parses
all package descriptions to before resolving dependencies, users
with that version of Cabal are stuck.

Now it seems somebody realised this problem and removed
bytestring- from hackage. However,

1. is now broken.
2. The downloadeble package index (00-index.tar) still contains
   the bytestring- cabal file, so the problem persists.

As a workaround, one can remove the cabal file from the downloaded
index manually,

tar -f ~/.cabal/packages/ --delete 

(or rebuild Cabal / cabal-install starting with
'cabal unpack Cabal; cabal unpack cabal-install')

But it really needs to be fixed on the hackage server.

Best regards,


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