On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 22:33, Vasili I. Galchin <vigalc...@gmail.com>wrote:

>      1) The reason I said "over the top" is that QNX is highly optimized to
> bound kernel pathways. I was able to read kernel code. I have also worked on
> LynxOS and pSOS. Not dissing you [?]

Sure, there are plenty of RTOSes out there.  There were back then, too;
there are still times when simpler environments are preferred (admittedly,
some of them are more psychological than justifiable by the intended usage).
 I still think "over the top" is itself a bit over the top; we are far from
being able to replace the immense number of traditional PLCs or embedded
devices out there which nevertheless need to be retrofitted in software to
support newer technologies.  (See below; you have about 0% chance of getting
someone to rip out all the existing PLCs on every segment of every track in
the country and replace it with a computer running QNX or VXWorks.  Even
ignoring the [mostly labor, but with the number of devices in question even
the hardware adds up] cost, consider the logistics; the segments that need
it most are the ones you can't afford to take offline for any significant
amount of time while refitting and testing the new gear.)

Now imagine that someone has a large deployed base of simple dedicated
embedded hardware and needs to retrofit SMTP into it.  That's a
software-only change, and waving a manual while intoning "QNX" won't get you
anywhere with the hardware.

>      2) What is the Haskell package that you are alluding to. I would like
> to know plus probably others on this list.

Hm, I'm not sure it hit Hackage; I'm not seeing anything obvious there aside
from vaguely recalling some changes to Atom to make it more suitable for
code generation for PLCs.  You might, however, take a look at
http://cs.swan.ac.uk/~cspj/docs/calco.pdf which uses Haskell SAT solvers to
validate PLC ladder logic for track safety; I don't know how much of the
rest of the system is in Haskell.

brandon s allbery                                      allber...@gmail.com
wandering unix systems administrator (available)     (412) 475-9364 vm/sms


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