On Sep 9, 2011 7:33 AM, "mukesh tiwari" <mukeshtiwari.ii...@gmail.com>
> Thank your for reply Daniel. Considering my limited knowledge of web
programming and javascript , first i need to simulated the some sort of
browser in my program which will run the javascript and will generate the
pdf. After that i can download the pdf . Is this you mean ?  Is
Network.Browser any helpful for this purpose ? Is there  way to solve this
problem ?
> Sorry for  many questions but this  is my first web application program
and i am trying hard to finish it.

Have you tried finding out if simple URLs exist for this, that don't require
Javascript? Does Wikipedia have a policy on this?


> On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 4:17 AM, Daniel Patterson <lists.hask...@dbp.mm.st>
>> It looks to me that the link is generated by javascript, so unless you
can script an actual browser into the loop, it may not be a viable approach.
>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 3:57 PM, mukesh tiwari wrote:
>> > I tried to use the PDF-generation facilities . I wrote a script which
>> > generates the rendering url . When i am pasting rendering url in
>> > browser its generating the download file but when i am trying to get
>> > the tags , its empty. Could some one please tell me what is wrong with
>> > code.
>> > Thank You
>> > Mukesh Tiwari
>> >
>> > import Network.HTTP
>> > import Text.HTML.TagSoup
>> > import Data.Maybe
>> >
>> > parseHelp :: Tag String -> Maybe String
>> > parseHelp ( TagOpen _ y ) = if ( filter ( \( a , b ) -> b == "Download
>> > a PDF version of this wiki page" ) y )  /= []
>> >                            then Just $  "http://en.wikipedia.org"; ++  (
snd $
>> > y !!  0 )
>> >                             else Nothing
>> >
>> >
>> > parse :: [ Tag String ] -> Maybe String
>> > parse [] = Nothing
>> > parse ( x : xs )
>> >   | isTagOpen x = case parseHelp x of
>> >                        Just s -> Just s
>> >                        Nothing -> parse xs
>> >   | otherwise = parse xs
>> >
>> >
>> > main = do
>> >       x <- getLine
>> >       tags_1 <-  fmap parseTags $ getResponseBody =<< simpleHTTP
>> > ( getRequest x ) --open url
>> >       let lst =  head . sections ( ~== "<div class=portal id=p-coll-
>> > print_export>" ) $ tags_1
>> >           url =  fromJust . parse $ lst  --rendering url
>> >       putStrLn url
>> >       tags_2 <-  fmap parseTags $ getResponseBody =<< simpleHTTP
>> > ( getRequest url )
>> >       print tags_2
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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