Hello list,

Starting from this emails (http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/nDNOvSM4JT3GJRSjOm9P) I could refactor my code (a UCI chess engine, with complex functions, in which the search has a complex monad stack) to run twice as fast as with even some hand unroled state transformer! So from 23-24 kilo nodes per second it does now 45 to 50 kNps! And it looks like there is still some improvement room (I have to play a little bit with strictness annotations and so on).

(Previously I tried specializations, then I removed a lot of polimorphism, but nothing helped, it was like hitting a wall.)

Even more amazingly is that I could program it although I cannot really understand the Cont & ContT, but just taking the code example from Ryan Ingram (newtype ContState r s a = ...) and looking a bit at the code from ContT (from the transformers library), and after fixing some compilation errors, it worked and was so fast.

I wonder why the transformers library does not use this kind of state monad definition. Or does it, and what I got is just because of the unrolling? Are there monad (transformers) libraries which are faster? I saw the library kan-extensions but I did not understand (yet) how to use it.


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